Interesting, the elusive methods that people use to get you to think like them. Things like understanding, compassion, and patience. Occasionally, they will crack an innocent joke about your beliefs but they still act like they love you and treat you like one of them. By doing this, they set themselves up above you intellectually and morally. In their eyes you're just slightly dumber than them and haven't experienced the right things in life. They know that if you are around them long enough and develop a dependence on their relationship, you will eventually start to compromise on your beliefs just to keep them as a friend. But if you don't, they will tolerate you and try to never talk about those things that you disagree on. This is stemmed from deep and well hidden pride and intellectual laziness. People have no respect for other's opinions and no interest in truth so they make statements like "Lets just agree to disagree". Lets ignore our differences and be nice to each other. They try to build relationships on different, more shallow foundations rather than the deepest and most important ones like purpose, world view, and the pursuit of truth. Its so elusive and that is what makes it so effective. "People have a deep longing for social acceptance" those that have realized this are now using this knowledge as a tool to spread their ideas onto others. It destroys part of what makes us human as well as true friendship and the overall intellectual growth of society.
._____. ... um
I like pie?
Ha! I like philosophy.